
A Review of TRAC’s Past Year Achievements

Autosphere » Tires » A Review of TRAC’s Past Year Achievements
Carol Hochu is President & CEO of the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada. You can reach her at [email protected]. Photo TRAC

The start of a new year is always a fitting time for reflection.

As we enter 2023, it feels appropriate to look back and review 2022’s accomplishments. It also feels right to ponder goals or targets for the year ahead.

With that in mind, TRAC enjoyed a number of accomplishments in 2022 including the launch of our inaugural Tire and Rubber Industry Leadership Awards program. This initiative was created to recognize and celebrate companies and individuals for their dedication and commitment to the tire and rubber industry in the categories of Sustainability, Lifetime Achievement, Young Leaders, and Leader of the Year. A link to our press release announcing all the winners is here.

Industry requested changes

As a result of TRAC’s advocacy, the province of Ontario recently finalized amendments to regulations made under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, of 2016. In the case of the Tires Regulation, the government implemented several industry-requested changes intended to reduce unnecessary administrative requirements while ensuring that the environment and consumers remain protected.

TRAC’s annual Spring Media Campaign to raise awareness about proper tire maintenance and educate Canadian drivers about its benefits to driver safety, vehicle fuel economy, and the environment was wildly successful. With skyrocketing fuel prices, our message struck a chord with nearly 900 stories published, potentially reaching 565 million Canadians – or reaching every Canadian nearly 15 times over.

Award of Distinction

TRAC was also a proud recipient of an Award of Distinction (Excellence) from the Canadian Society of Association Executives in recognition of the incredible success of our 2022 spring media campaign.

In terms of goals or targets in the year ahead, we’re looking forward to the launch of our second call-for-nominations for our industry leadership awards program in a few short months.

Our various committees (End-of-Life Tires, Statistics, Technical, etc.), which are the lifeblood of all associations and populated by member company representatives, continue their important work to help TRAC meet our ambitious strategic priorities of member engagement, sustainability, communications, and collaboration.

TRAC’s Inaugural Tire and Rubber Industry Leadership Awards program was well-received in 2022. Photo Huw Evans

Continued collaboration

TRAC is continuing our collaboration with association colleagues and tire representatives from around the world, to advocate in respect of important global issues, including the EU-proposed ban on rubber granules used as athletic fields’ infill, 6PPD and 6PPD-quinone, and tire and road wear particles (TRWP).

Our well-attended and well-received Rubber Recycling Symposium returns for the first time since before COVID struck in 2020. Featuring a stellar lineup of speakers on the latest recycling and sustainability topics, this networking and educational event is scheduled to take place this fall in Halifax, NS. Stay tuned for more details.

From all of us at TRAC, cheers to another year! We wish you positive new beginnings in 2023.



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