New products and services
The collision repair industry has changed dramatically in recent years. From comparatively simple innovations like windshield chip repair to car security cameras to advanced car collision avoidance systems with automatic braking that prevent a frontal collision from happening in the first place, today’s collision repair professionals are dealing with technologies that are reshaping the way they do business. Consider the many forward collision avoidance assist systems on the market today, including Tesla collision avoidance. The anti collision system for cars (also called an ADAS driver assistance system), not only prevent accidents from happening in the first place, but also create challenges for collision repair shops that have to fix these systems before putting vehicles back on the road.
Driving assistance
Collision detection in cars requires the use of advanced car collision sensors and collision avoidance sensors, all of which have to be repaired or replaced after an accident by professionals like you. Collision detection in cars, and the ability to employ real time automatic braking, or emergency braking, to prevent a frontal collision, requires the use of advanced electronics that need to be properly calibrated after a repair in order to work as originally designed at the OEM level. ADAS collision avoidance, in order to work properly, requires ADAS recalibration. The advanced driver assistance systems calibration takes time and expertise, which translates into new opportunities for today’s collision repair professionals. Some might argue that the type of collision avoidance cars benefit from today when equipped with a collision avoidance system, may result in less business for body shops. However, no auto collision avoidance system, or automatic collision avoidance system can eliminate all accidents. These driver assistance systems will help to eliminate some accidents, but not all. As long as humans are behind the wheel, there will always be a collision risk. There’s only so much help systems like these can offer.
Collision prevention system
Another key point to consider is the need for these systems to be properly repaired after a collision. Whether it’s a simple system that keeps an eye on blind spots in order to alert the driver to dangers when changing lanes, or whether it’s a complex system that monitors the entire vehicle, someone has to be able to work on these technologies to make them roadworthy again. In some cases, these could be complex computers communicating with one another. We’re not talking about a single forward collision sensor here. Rather, there are many moving parts: a frontal collision avoidance system communicating with a rear collision avoidance system to make an even more advanced and all-encompassing active collision avoidance system that protects the entire vehicle. If your shop has the manpower, the tools, the skills, the talent and the know-how to work on today’s and tomorrow’s advanced collision avoidance systems, you’ll be ready to take advantage of opportunities in this cutting-edge market as it continues to evolve.