Early 2025 is the perfect time to reflect on the year behind us and the one ahead.
In 2024, TRAC welcomed two companies as new members of our association: Aeolus Tire and Kal Cirkular Solutions.
Some things never change and that’s why—just as in the years and decades past—TRAC continues with leadership roles in several Boards and Committees including three tire stewardship organizations, the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority, the Standards Council of Canada, the International Standards Organization, and the global Tire Industry Project initiative.
Committee work
Our various TRAC Committees—Technical, Statistics, and End-of-Life Tire—continue the important work on behalf of the industry, including meetings with Environment & Climate Change Canada, Transport Canada, and Natural Resources Canada. In concert with others, including our colleagues at the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association, TRAC will continue to thoughtfully respond to the plethora of government and agency consultations on matters of importance to our industry including safety, innovation, performance, and sustainability including end-of-life tire management.
In 2024, our biannual consumer education campaigns continued to educate Canadians about tire maintenance and advantages of winter tires in 2024. Our winter tire campaign expounding the virtues of a dedicated winter tire continues to attract media and public interest. Looking at the big picture, based on our survey, 78% of drivers use winter tires this year, which is a 10-point increase compared to our 2016 survey.
Our spring campaign gauges attitudes and knowledge about the impacts of proper tire inflation on both internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and EVs. It found that 77% of motorists know that correctly inflated tires improve fuel economy, lessen vehicle emissions, and protect the environment, and 62% understand that proper tire inflation plays an important role in optimizing EV range.

Looking ahead
In 2025 TRAC expects continued efforts on several fronts and with some new items added to our agenda.
In 2025 we should see interim or possibly the final distribution of Ontario Tire Stewardship surplus funds to eligible obligated stewards as the final financial obligations’ challenges to the OTS surplus are close to being settled.
2025 will be the fourth year of our Industry Leadership Awards program. The awards are quickly becoming well-regarded in the industry, and we will see an invitation to nominate deserving individuals and companies shortly.
Proper tire maintenance
Our 2025 spring tire campaign will typically launch in May and the winter tire campaign in November. Both campaigns educate drivers on how to get the most out of their vehicles through proper tire maintenance.
Our Rubber Recycling Symposium has been a staple in the recycling industry in Canada and globally, with hundreds of industry professionals gracing us with their presence and expertise, and we don’t expect anything less this coming October in Alberta. Details are soon to follow.
These projects fill our days, weeks, and months, and ultimately, they are at the core of what makes TRAC “TRAC.” I wish you all a thrilling and successful 2025.