
Cold Air Efficiency

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MAHLE’s ArcticPRO ACX2280 is one of a new generation of A/C service machines that feature a plug-and-play vehicle database to access OEM requirements, as well as remote service capability and free software upgrades. Credit: MAHLE Service Solutions

Successfully servicing modern A/C systems requires a number of considerations.

There was a time where vehicle air conditioning servicing required a technician to understand the characteristics behind the refrigerant, as well as the dynamics behind the vehicle’s A/C system. “This required taking the time to understand and verify a customer’s concerns, and then finding concrete evidence for the prognosis to not only perform the correct service, but to prevent a comeback due to a service misdiagnosis,” explains Brian Messenger, Head of Product Management, Engineering and Technical Support, for MAHLE Service Solutions, which offers a host of A/C servicing options, including its line of advanced ArcticPRO equipment (https://www.servicesolutions.mahle.com/na/en/products/arcticpro-a-c-service-equipment/).

Less time required

Today, technological advancements in A/C service have meant that the amount of time and labour required for performing this work has decreased, facilitated by the introduction of Recover, Recycle and Recharge (RRR) equipment. “Services have become more automatic in nature, nearly making the need to understand refrigerant theory and A/C systems operation obsolete,” says Messenger.

Nevertheless, there are important considerations when performing A/C servicing in today’s shop environment. The introduction of R1234yf (Tetrafluoropropene), which first surfaced in North America in 2013 model year vehicles, has resulted in a renewed need for technicians to understand the latest in A/C operation and servicing solutions. Messenger also notes that increased component and labour costs have meant that there are fewer cases of technicians needing to “top-off” the system, or, replacing it entirely.

Furthermore, as the average age of the vehicle fleet continues to increase, to more than 10 years in Canada and 12.6 in the U.S., more vehicle owners want to have their systems repaired, but at the same time, also want to know how and why the work needs to be done. “The concept of throwing parts at a symptom is no longer acceptable,” says Messenger. He notes that if service centres understand this concept and apply the latest A/C servicing techniques, the result is less downtime and more efficiency in the service bay. 

Moisture intrusion

When it comes to issues with A/C system, Messenger says that moisture intrusion is the number one cause of premature component failure (especially for the compressor) along with low refrigerant charge. “A vehicle’s A/C charge can decrease ~ eight grams year over year through service ports or rubber hoses,” states Messenger. “Maintaining proper capacity charge is critical, as refrigerant is responsible for circulating the system’s oil, to aid in compressor cooling. A comprehensive A/C service can prolong the life of a system.”

On vehicles equipped with R1234yf, Messenger stresses that when servicing these systems, it’s critical to follow OEM recommendations and processes and prompts outlined by the service equipment. “Gone are the days of connecting service hoses to the vehicle and simply turning on the RRR equipment,” he says. “With SAE J2843 standards in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there is a defined process that R1234yf RRR equipment MUST follow.”

He also notes that technicians attending training and certification, along with following onscreen prompts, will greatly improve the overall service and increase productivity.

Leaks and plugged condensers

Mark Lemay, President of AutoAide Technical Services, which provides diagnostic services and training for technicians, says in most cases, he gets involved with A/C systems, when the compressor won’t work, even if the system is shown as being fully charged. “We don’t tend to do any recharging, but if it’s a diagnostic related issue, where the system won’t cool properly, or the compressor isn’t working we’ll tackle it.” Often, he says, common problems tend to be either leaks in the evaporator or plugged condensers. He also notes that sometimes, “you can pressurize the system, and initially, you won’t find the problem,” meaning more detailed diagnosis is needed.

Brian Messenger adds, that when it comes to new requirements regarding R1234yf systems, there is a need for fixing the leak on the vehicle before performing a recharge [in order to minimize refrigerant loss to the atmosphere]. The downside to this new mandate,” Messenger explains, is that automatic oil injection is no longer an option for any SAE-certified R1234yf machine (to reduce the risk of cross-contamination between PAG and POE oils). “Additionally,” he says, “every R1234yf machine that is EPA-compliant requires the ability to identify the gas purity, which adds additional cost to the unit and service time.” He notes that while some technicians [and shop owners] may see this as an annoyance, it helps to protect the shop’s internal tank of costly refrigerant from contamination. This also ensures the customer is getting the quality of R1234yf that they are paying for,” he explains.


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