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Rick Richardson, Sammy Argue and Miguel Pires of CSN Ladner with the shop’s 1954 Chevy pickup. Photo: CSN Ladner

Originally a farm truck, this 1954 Chevy is now a very effective marketing tool.

When we think about what got us into the collision repair business in the first place, for some, it was a love of cars and or trucks. Perhaps we fixed up a few when we were young and wanted to find a way to turn a hobby into a profession. And while in most cases, we tend to pre-occupied with repairing late-model vehicles, now and again we might find ourselves restoring a classic or two, or even using a classic to actually promote our business.

Marketing tool

For Rick Richardson and the team at CSN Ladner, in Ladner, a suburb of Delta, B.C. this 1954 Chevy 3100 “Bullnose” pickup serves as a marketing tool for the shop and is often used at local community events, such as the parade, Quilt Walk and the Ladner car show.

Truck is originally from Saskatchewan and was in remarkably solid condition. Photo: CSN Ladner

Originally a Canadian truck, from Saskatchewan, it was found in a barn about eight years ago. Cosmetically, it was in decent shape. “We were really lucky,” says Richardson, “not only in actually finding this truck but also in the condition it was in.”

There was no rust on this truck, which “considering it was a Canadian truck and used as a farm vehicle, was a miracle, really,” says Richardson.

In fact, the Chevy was solid and presentable enough that cosmetically, it only required a few touch-ups and good detail to get it into the condition it is today.

Mechanical attention

Mechanically, however, more work was required. “We tuned the engine and rebuilt the carburetor,” plus a few other things to get it running properly again. “Overall, this was a pretty fair trade-off for getting this truck roadworthy,” says Richardson.

With its 112 hp, 235.5 cubic-inch in-line six and three-speed transmission, performance is leisurely at best, but Richardson says he loves driving it. “It’s awesome, especially with that floor-mounted push-button start and three-on the tree,” he says.

A perfect marketing tool for a collision shop? We think so. Photo: CSM Ladner

Richardson notes that the truck has become somewhat of a local icon, both around the shop and at community events. “Children love the truck, getting in it, sitting in it and having their picture taken,” says Richardson.

Also, it’s frequently a topic of conversation among customers at CSN Ladner. “People look for the truck and ask about it when they come in,” says Richardson.

So, if you happen to be in the Ladner area and see a shiny red 1954 Chevy pickup, stop and take a look. You might just fall in love with it, just as CSN Ladner’s shop staff, customers and the local community have.


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