Raymond Proulx, Chairman of the AIA High Five for Kids Foundation is sending this message out to everyone in the Aftermarket.
“On behalf of the Board of Directors of AIA Canada’s High Fives for Kids Foundation and myself, I would like to thank all the AIA Canada members who have supported the Foundation over the past year. Your contributions have allowed the Foundation to support youth charities, educational scholarships, and food banks on behalf of all AIA Canada Divisions across the country.
“For the 2022 calendar year, we are going to continue our mandate of supporting Canadian charities but are also researching Canadian charities supporting the children and youth affected by the Ukraine war.
“Golf tournaments and special events have been our long-standing major fundraising stream. However, due to the success of the Chairman’s Challenge last year, we are excited to announce that we have launched the 2022 Chairman’s Challenge and invite you all to participate.
“We kindly ask that if you have any means in your annual budget to please support our Foundation. Any and all contributions would be greatly appreciated.
“We would like to thank all those who participated in the Challenge last year and hope to have your continued support.
“You can easily donate to the High Fives for Kids Foundation through our donation portal.
“Again, we extend our sincere gratitude for your support and encourage you to donate to our Foundation by visiting our website or contacting our Chairman.”