
The Alliance Hosts October Be Car Care Aware Event

Autosphere » Mechanical » The Alliance Hosts October Be Car Care Aware Event
The Alliance Hosts October Be Car Care Aware Event. PHOTO Auto Value

To celebrate October as one of two Be Car Care Aware months and to drive home the importance of car care and preventative maintenance the Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance hosted a company-wide “Be Car Care Aware” event on October 21 in San Antonio, Texas.

The company invited all Alliance employees and spouses to bring their vehicles through a series of Quick Check points where the Alliance product team, led by Dan Rader, VP of Product & Category Management completed a comprehensive fluids check, topped off washer fluid and checked tire pressure.

“This was a great event to promote the importance of vehicle maintenance and bring employees together,” said Dan Rader. “It was a fun way to celebrate Fall Car Care Month, and we appreciate the assistance from our valued Channel Partners and their products.”

All participating employees received brand-new Perfect View wiper blades provided by Bosch, a Parts Master cooler gift bag filled with great product samples: including Mother’s cleaning products, Gunk degreasing wipes, GOJO scrubbing towels, ArmorAll protectant, K-seal coolant leak repair, and shop towels from Kimberly Clark.

Valvoline also supplied branded hats and a variety of safety and office items.

The Alliance team served drinks, snacks, and baked goods throughout the afternoon event.

“This is a fun, unique, educational and team bonding experience for everyone. After not being able to gather for most of 2020 and 2021, it feels phenomenal to get the team back together again. At the Alliance our motto is ‘Service is the Difference’ and we couldn’t think of a better way to say, ‘Thanks’ to our staff than to provide exceptional service to their vehicles!” said John R. Washbish, President and CEO of the Alliance. “These service products, as well as many others, are critical to vehicle maintenance and preventative car care.”

“We loved having the chance to attend the Car Care event and have the product team inspect our vehicle,” said Ethan Love, Business Intelligence Manager.

Denton Lewis, Product Analyst, was one of the members working on and servicing the vehicles. “We want to provide excellent service from our headquarters office through the supply chain all the way to the shops and their customers. It takes excellent channel partners to make that happen.”

The Alliance hosted the event in October to support Fall Car Care Month, one of two car care months the Car Care Council supports each year to bring attention to the importance of car care and preventative maintenance.


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