Ontario Budget 2022 is confirmation that Doug Ford is the most pro auto retail Premier in Ontario’s history.
The Trillium Automobile Dealers Association is extremely grateful Premier Ford and Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy are investing $23.9 million in the Digital Dealer Registration program in Ontario’s 2022 Budget.
Digital Dealer has been the top legislative priority for Ontario new car dealers for more than a decade.
The days of dealership staff wasting time and money waiting in line or making multiple trips to a licensing office to deliver paperwork are numbered. Thanks to Digital Dealer, consumers can get behind the wheel of their new car minutes after signing on the dotted – instead of making another trip to the dealership.
Once fully implemented, Digital Dealer will help move online up to 4.8 million dealership registration transactions annually including the registration of pre‐owned vehicles, vehicle transfers and vehicle permit replacements, all of which must currently be conducted in person.
Ontario new car dealers will now join our peers in other provinces and most US states in providing this streamlined, consumer-focused car buying experience.
This game-changing announcement comes after other monumental policies supporting auto retail including eliminating the Drive Clean program, shutting down the College of Trades and lowering the cost of vehicle ownership by cutting gasoline taxes and eliminating licence plate renewal fees.
The association is also excited to see a commitment to build Highway 413 connecting Halton, Peel and York Regions. The TADA has been advocating for this new 400-series highway since 2012 – and is pleased to see the province move forward with this much-needed highway.