Scrap Tire Industry’s 2023 Gathering EventThe 3rd edition of the Rendez-vous de l’industrie du pneu hors d’usage was held in Drummondville on May 11. This gathering of industry people was an…May 18, 2023
Recovery of Scrap Tires by RECYC-QUÉBECSabrina Charron, Director of Operations – Tires and deposits at RECYC-QUÉBEC. Photo RECYC-QUÉBEC Having the mandate to recover all scrap tires in Quebec requires quite a…April 25, 2023
$4.50 Environmental Fee for Each New Tire PurchasedAs of July 1st, the environmental deposit charged on the purchase of each new tire will increase from $3.00 to $4.50. The Quebec Minister of Finance,…March 29, 2023