The comapny’s solutions range from OEM batch-specific coolant/antifreeze for any vehicle type, Adam’s Polishes Graphene car care protection, Rain-X ClearView patented water beading technology, Engine Ice sport’s vehicles coolant/antifreeze, POR15 rust preventatives, and Winterproof winterizing solutions for your recreational vehicles…
Recochem’s priority is to turn consumer insights into innovation, to drive category growth for our retailers through Power Brands.Recochem is constantly innovating and growing.
With over 10 factories in North America, we are more than reliable and efficient with our supply chain.
With product capabilities across the globe, Recochem operates plants in USA, Canada, Belgium, Australia, China, India, and the Asia Pacific and manufactures brands such as OEM, HD Expert, Engine Ice, Shell, Rain-X ClearView, H2Blu, Adam’s Polishes, POR15, Solvable, Winterproof, Absolute Zero.