
Automotive Parts Associates Honours Suppliers of the Year

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Automotive Parts Associates Honours Suppliers of the Year
Automotive Parts Associates has honoured its suppliers for their support and service extended to its shareholders throughout 2019. (Photo: Automotive Parts Associates)

The Automotive Parts Associates (APA) has recognized and honoured the 2020 APA Suppliers of the Year for extending exemplary support and service to APA’s shareholders as well as its initiatives in 2019.

As explained by APA, this year’s new internal classification of product lines and suppliers provided more chances to their shareholders to make their preferences known through their votes. The previous top honours, Approved Supplier of the Year and Preferred Supplier of the Year have been replaced this year with two new awards—the Shareholder’s Choice Supplier of the Year and the APA Supplier of the Year.

On the basis of the latest benchmarks and awards, the shareholders were able to choose the suppliers that they felt provided the most support to their businesses as a whole. They were not bound to the limited lists of approved/preferred suppliers.

“As the recent industry changes affect the buying habits of our shareholders, reworking our product line divisions was a no-brainer. Not only does it give a clear picture of the top lines our shareholders buy and is a standard of measure for suppliers, but the new organization gives everyone an opportunity to nominate more of who they actually buy from. The new structure is exciting for both shareholders and suppliers with increased incentive to continue building relationships as we grow and change,” said Jim Holmquist, Chairman of APA’s Board of Directors.

APA has honoured the following companies this year for lending their support providing excellent service in 2019:

  • Outstanding Technology Initiatives Partner – WHI Solutions
  • Outstanding Marketing Partner – Dorman
  • Distinguished Original Equipment Partner – Denso
  • Cornerstone Award – FCS Automotive
  • HQ Supplier of the Year – Standard Motor Products
  • Shareholder’s Choice Supplier of the Year – Bosch
  • APA Supplier of the Year – Denso
Categories : Mechanical


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