AARO’s Canadian solution for access to the industry is moving forward.
Back in September 2009, the CASIS agreement was signed by NATA, AIA, CVMA & GLOBAL.
Since 2009, there has been little, or no progress made with the CASIS agreement, so AARO has made a bold move to resign from NATA and form a relationship with NASTF (National Automotive Service Task Force). The new task force is made up of Mike Adema, Eric Mileham, John Cochrane, Mark Lemay, Roydon Rump, Ben Lalonde and Tamara Ghosn.
“We are also going to reach out to tier one suppliers and parts suppliers to be on this task force,” added Cochrane. “In the next few months, we are going to formalize how this task force is going to work. It’s going to have terms and term limits. Implementation will be by December 31, 2018.”
The task force members will be attending the two NASTF General Meetings held every year then reporting back to Canadian service repairers twice a year.
“Our initial meeting will be held at the AARO Symposium on January 19, 2019.
The second meeting will be held in the fall of 2019 around an industry event. We will also be inviting many of the NASTF volunteers to present at our meetings here in Canada.
“As you know, this has been an onerous and very poorly utilized process. Our new way will be to send your service information request in a very simplified format to the AARO taskforce.
We will try to solve the issue between our members, and if not, we will forward this on to the Chair of NASTF who has agreed to take our service information requests,” explained Cochrane.
“We understand time is critical, and we will try to get you an answer in real time.”
Cochrane also addressed the VSP (Vehicle Security Professional). “As you may know, the Vehicle Security Program in the U.S. has had a massive overhaul. AARO will be responding to NASTF’s request for quotation (RFQ) to be a Vehicle Security Professional Administrator. Under the new NASTF security protocols, we will be compliant. Cost is to be determined,” said Cochrane.
Tools & Equipment
In the past, aftermarket tool manufacturers have been able to get the majority of information in terms of software to put into their scan tools. As the industry moves forward, there will be increased security concerns about who can connect to a car and what they can access.
“We intend to keep our members up-to-date as to the change and direction of the manufacturers on how they communicate, how they secure their vehicles and how our aftermarket service providers will be able to access their vehicles,” explained Cochrane.
“Our Goal at our Canadian meetings will be to have presentations done by the Equipment Tool Institute, vehicle manufacturers, vehicle security professionals, etc., to keep informed. We plan to be able to deliver the latest technology updates at our two meetings in Canada.”
“To summarize, we have had nine years of inactivity. We are now on a new path to success. We need every member’s support to make this a total success. Our Symposium is on January 19, 2019, and a far more detailed plan will be rolled out at that time,” said Cochrane. Donny Seyfer, Chair of NASTF, will be at the Symposium presenting changes to the NASTF program.
“We need your help to make the AARO Symposium and Trade Show a “Go To” event for all automotive service professionals,” added Cochrane.