
Vehicle Safety : New Standards Draw Crowds

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MVIS information sessions with MTO and AARO proved highly successful.

When the Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO) was asked to organize the MVIS information sessions across the province of Ontario, neither the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO), nor AARO had any idea of how big an undertaking this was going to be. “With over 13,000 MVIS Stations we knew it was going to be a challenge, however by teaming up with AARO, the provincial association, we knew registrations would be substantial. But we are amazed at the number of attendees at each of these sessions!” stated Bob Lickers, Program Advisor with the MTO.

“We knew registrations would be substantial, but we are amazed at the number of attendees at each of these sessions!” Bob Lickers, Program Advisor, MTO

The new Light Duty Passenger Vehicle Inspection standards came into effect July 1, 2016.

The changes to the Passenger Light Duty standards had many in the industry asking questions. MTO and AARO held two sessions per day across the province starting in March until the end of June to alleviate concerns surrounding these new standards. The Light Duty Passenger standards have not been updated since the 1970s.

The Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (MVIS) program oversees the inspection of vehicles at approved facilities and the issuing of safety standards certificates, structural inspection certificates and annual and semi-annual inspection certificates and stickers. The program ensures that vehicles meet a minimum safety standard before they receive a certificate or sticker.

Not a warranty

The Safety Standards Certificate is not a warranty. It shows that the vehicle meets the minimum standards required to pass the vehicle on the day that the inspection was performed.

If a vehicle fails, the consumer has 10 days to get the necessary repair done to get it re-inspected for free, as long as the wheels do not have to come off. If the wheels are pulled off, the inspection station may charge for their time.

Tires need to have a minimum 2 millimetre tread depth in every major tread groove on the day of the inspection to pass. The tire inflation pressure, tire sidewall and tread condition are all part of the inspection under the wheel section.

Mandatory requirements

The new regulations required all inspection stations to have the following:

Tint meter—a window tint meter capable of measuring the level of light transmittance. (Required July 1, 2016)

The Inspection Report is a new requirement that will be completed by the technician doing the safety. One copy will go to the customer; the other copy will need to be kept by the inspection station with a copy of the Safety Standards Certificate.

AARO provided its members with MVIS Inspection Reports at no cost to their members. Non members may also purchase the inspection reports from AARO at a reasonable cost. More than 15,000 Inspection sheets and 600 books were sent out prior to the deadline of July 1, 2016. More have been ordered and have been sent out since then.

If you require more information, go to ontario.ca/MVIS for English or ontario.ca/CIVA for French or click the link on the AARO website aaro.ca.

Diane Freeman is the Executive Director of the Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO). You can reach her at: [email protected]
Categories : Mechanical


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