Now in its 19th year, 100 Best Fleets is urging applicants to toss their hats into the ring.
Organizers of “100 Best Fleets” are calling on fleet professionals to apply for the 2018 competition.
The program recognizes peak performing fleet operations in North America by identifying and encouraging ever-increasing levels of performance improvement within the fleet industry.
The program aims to:
•Identify outstanding operations for others to emulate.
•Promote pride in the industry.
•Provide recognition via press releases, awards and recognition within the larger organization and community.
•Provide recognition within the national fleet community.
•Promote ever-increasing levels of productivity and operational effectiveness.
•Encourage more individuals to consider fleet operations as a career choice.
The winners will be named at NAFA’s Institute & Expo on April 24-27, 2018 in Anaheim, CA.
The deadline for application submission for the contest is March 17, 2018.
Click here to download the application: