
B.C. 2019 Provincial Autobody/Automotive Skills Winners

Autosphere » Collision » B.C. 2019 Provincial Autobody/Automotive Skills Winners

The British Columbia Canada Skills Competition for 2019 took place April 17 at TradeX in Abbotsford.

Many competitors were on hand to try to win a medal in their particular skills event and over 40 skills trade events took place.

There were about 20 competitors for the Autobody and Car Painting events. The Duro Paint Booth was provided by White & Peters (Color Compass) and did all the set up and tear down of the booth. Many other suppliers supported the competitions with supplies, parts and equipment—SATA supplied paint guns and fresh air breathing; 3M made
abrasives and materials available; LKQ provided parts, Color Compass took care of the paint plus a ton of support and planning resources.

In Collision Repair Post Secondary (PS), gold went to Ricky Guan; silver to Milton Javier Davis Flores and bronze to Steve Bakirgis. In the Collision Repair Secondary (Sec) division, Ben Miller won the gold medal; Ethan Kruz, silver and David Zamora bronze.

A virtual paint booth was on site so students could try virtual painting.

For the Secondary division of Car Painting, gold was won by Reilly Ouwerling; silver by Antony Harrington and ronze by Mark Alcantara.

In the Automotive Service PS event, Kendall Giesbrecht was presented the gold medal; Mitchell Eastman the silver and Rahim Habib the bronze.

The gold medal in the Automotive Service Sec division went to Allan Lin. Alexander Nguyen won the silver and bronze was presented to Caelum Soprovich.

Between 3,000 and 4,000 students were bussed in to the event.

Categories : Collision


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