
PBE Distributors Spring Trade Show: A Silver Event Spectacular

Autosphere » Collision » PBE Distributors Spring Trade Show: A Silver Event Spectacular

April 4 saw the 25th running of this popular collision industry trade show and expo.

It’s hard to imagine that PBE Distributors has hosted 25 editions of its Spring Trade show and if the 2019 running was any indication, this event is one that continues to grow.

A slightly different format this year, saw the show open earlier at 2.00pm.

The reason behind the change, said Darrin Heise, National Sales Manager for PBE Distributors, was that, “for the last few years we’ve invited jobbers to bring local VIP body shop representatives but there was talk that the jobbers would like some time on their own.”

In essence,” said Heise, the new format allowed “a pre-emptive strike, giving the jobbers time to go and visit all the vendors first,” so when body shop staff arrived later in the day, the jobbers already knew which people to visit with them.

At final count, 348 people registered for the event making it among the best attended yet

This year, two 55-inch televisions were up for grabs as grand prizes, one for jobbers, the other for VIP body shop attendees.

Winning the jobber category was Greg Horvath of Horvath Auto Supply in Tillsonburg, Ont. Horvath’s prize was donated by PBE Distributors, courtesy of sales rep Mark Davis. 

In the VIP Body Shop category, the grand prize winner was Peter Robson, a painter from Performance Sales & Accessories in Belleville, Ont. Robson’s prize was donated and presented by Mike Savage of 3M Canada.

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Categories : Collision


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