
Collision Management February 2019

Autosphere » Collision » Collision Management February 2019

The February issue of Collision Management is now available online. You can flip through it here, but first, a few words from the Editor-in-Chief of Collision Management, Huw Evans.

Access to Information

As repair complexity increases, so does the knowledge required to do it properly.

For technicians in the shop, getting the right information at the right time is critical, not only to ensure the repairs are done properly but that efficiency is maximized in order to meet KPIs and minimize the repair cycle time.

Leveraging the data

Our cover story with ALLDATA this issue focuses on exactly that: how leveraging OEM repair data and offering tools and solutions to deliver it to the tech as quickly and as accurately as possible results in a win-win for every staff member and every stakeholder.

It seems particularly relevant at this time of year when the extreme fluctuations in temperature (and corresponding difficult driving conditions) are keeping many shops across the country busy with repairs.

Technology is the focus for our Special File, too, where we delve into the complexities of modern Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS) and why it’s critical to ensure accuracy when it comes to calibration and function. Even if something is just a millimetre out of adjustment, it can mean the difference between somebody walking away from a subsequent collision or ending up in hospital with life threatening injuries.

We also take a look at scan tools as well as bumper repairs, which aren’t the simple procedure they once were.

Two decades on

As this issue goes to press, the industry has celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Canadian Collision Industry Forum (CCIF). It was great to see so many people attend this landmark event, including those that were there at the very beginning. A lot has happened in the last 20 years and at present there seems to be a lot of issues on the table that barely registered two decades ago.

The important thing to remember is that we are all part of a larger picture, and by ensuring that as an industry, we establish ourselves as competent to repair the vehicles of today and tomorrow, as well as having access to the information and resources to do it properly, we can also ensure collision repair will have a bright future.

Click here to read the February 2019 issue of Collision Management

Categories : Collision


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