
Collision Management October 2018

Autosphere » Collision » Collision Management October 2018

The October issue of Collision Management is now available online. You can flip through it here, but first, a few words from the Editor-in-Chief of Collision Management, Huw Evans.

Working together

Collaboration is essential for the industry to move forward.

As I type these words, I’ve just returned from CCIF Vancouver, where representatives from across the collision industry spectrum gathered to network, share ideas, discuss current trends and the impact they might have on the future.

A big discussion this time out was of course the issue of accreditation and certification programs. It’s a complex subject but, based on what has been and continues to be discussed, there’s clearly a need for a defining benchmark to be set in terms of training, equipment and repair procedures. And whether it’s the insurers, the repairers or the networks, the objective appears to be the same—and that’s a good thing.

Participation from everyone

To truly make a significant, positive change and establish a benchmark requires collaboration and participation from all stakeholders including the banner networks, insurers, OEMs, associations and suppliers.

If the collision repair industry is able to self-regulate in terms of repair procedures (and I believe it can) everyone will ultimately benefit.

Collaboration and partnerships are kind of a theme in this issue, for on page 14 we look at how Pfaff Autoworks and BASF have consistently been able to raise the bar in terms of performance, service and reputation.

Refinish also happens to be our Special File focus in October where we take a look at how solid supplier relationships are instrumental to having a successful repair shop. We also look at how tools and technology like spray guns and advanced colour matching are enabling shops to achieve quality results like never before.

Small steps

Quite often, we tend to focus on the big things that happen and impact our industry, but it’s small things that really count. A new spray gun with a new nozzle design might not seem like a major change but the overall impact it has can be enormous. At the end of the day, those businesses that pay attention to the details and make consistent, incremental improvements are the ones that truly succeed. We can all learn from them.

Click here to read the October 2018 issue of Collision Management

Categories : Collision


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