
Mirka Trials Digital Customer Service

Autosphere » Collision » Mirka Trials Digital Customer Service

Mirka is currently conducting a trial scheme for New digital communication channels.

The idea behind it is to further enhance Mirka’s customer service experience and take it to the next level.

A guided self-service and a chat function integrated into a knowledge base platform are being piloted in Finland and also the UK.

Mirka’s new guided self-service Power Tools Warranty Registration is also providing information on how to do the warranty registration of Power Tools. The guided self-service platform was conceived as an efficient way of taking care of routine matters, as well as serving as a smart 24/7 self-service solution for Mirka’s customers.

The service contains information and knowledge that customer service staff are frequently asked about regarding warranties and tool repairs.

Once the trail guided self-service and the chat channels initiative ends, Mirka will gauge feedback and the new digital channels will be stabilized; with the content of the knowledge base gradually expanded.

Categories : Collision

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