
Chief University Offers Joining Technologies Class

Autosphere » Collision » Chief University Offers Joining Technologies Class

Chief has introduced the first all-encompassing, hands-on collision repair class focused on joining technologies.

The one-day Chief University Joining Technologies class is designed to provide estimators and appraisers a thorough understanding of the current welding, riveting and adhesive bonding and removal technologies being used in today’s shops.

“We are constantly updating the training curriculum at Chief University to keep pace with the OEM changes in vehicle design, technology and materials,” said Ken Boylan, Gobal Training Manager.

“Chief is proud to be the first in the industry to offer the opportunity to study and understand the joining technologies OEMs are requiring and want to see implemented in vehicle repair. This class is designed for all skill levels, from first-timers to experienced appraisers and estimators, and provides the most hands-on classroom environment we have ever delivered.”

The Joining Technologies course is a combination of classroom and hands-on experiences in several new joining disciplines. Each student will have the opportunity to participate in the following exercises:

  • Perform steel and aluminum welding and brazing, using Chief’s virtual welder;
  • Install and remove self-piercing rivets and flow-form screws;
  • Install blind rivets;
  • Perform structural weld bonding and debonding;
  • Perform spot welds with and without adhesive;
  • See a demonstration of carbon fibre repair.

In the U.S., Chief University training is certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) for compliance with the Continuing Automotive Service Education (CASE) Standards. The new Chief University Joining Technologies class is approved for I-CAR credit hours through the I-CAR Industry Training Alliance program.

Categories : Collision


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