
Posts by John Norris

Establishing Standards

Why is certifying or accrediting collision repair facilities such a difficult issue? Currently, there are 19 different accreditation and certification programs in use at collision shops…

Phantom Repairs

What happens when you are OEM Certified for a car that is no longer in production? Imagine you are the shop in Vancouver, who told us…

The Female Factor

Does ignoring 51 percent of the population a good business strategy? As shops complain about their ability to attract good talent and pay higher and higher…


It’s the most valuable tool in your shop. We all now know that information, whether it’s from a trusted media source or social media, can change…

New OEM Repair Portal

There’s now official OEM Repair Information for Canadian auto service providers. OEMrepairinfo.ca is a portal linking Canadian automotive repair technicians to OEM technical information websites. The…

Training : Pinpointing problems

Diagnosing what’s wrong, where to find it and how to correct it. Following up on his column in the October issue on pre-and post-repair scanning, John…

Training: Code Concerns

In the first of two columns, John Norris looks at ways to help shops determine the best options when it comes to pre and post-repair scanning.…


Cadillac Chevrolet Buick GMC du West Island
Shop Foreman
Alary Sport
Sales Specialist - new and pre-owned recreational vehicles
  Full time
Automobiles Paillé
  Full time
Léveillé Mazda Laval
F&I Manager
  Full time
Centre De Collision Ile Perrot
Auto Body Repair Technician
  Full time

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